When the CoVID19 introduced itself to the global populace, it did not just become a footnote in people’s lives, like many expected it to be. Instead, it continues to fester its way through our households, workplaces, and our national economy. As we struggle to fight the changes and deal with the losses, we are reminded of the things that we often take for granted, particularly healthcare. No one could have anticipated that small things like maintaining proper hygiene by washing our hands and boosting our immune system by drinking lots of water would make a difference.  Water became an important agent in fighting this unseen enemy.

As we know, water is the most basic necessity in life. We use it everyday, from taking a bath, washing the laundry to drinking it to keep us hydrated. Without it, life would cease to exist. And in these unfortunate time, everyone’s effort to fight the virus would not be possible without water and of course, a self-reliant water-service provider responsible in catering for the whole community’s needs.

While this battle is spearheaded by doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers, the battlefield is not always found in hospital wards and quarantine facilities. Half the war against the pandemic is fought by dozens of nameless individuals, heroes in their very own right, who sacrificed their time and health to provide the Municipality of Manapla an efficient, potable, and continuous water supply. As we stay in the comforts of our home during the quarantine, this band of front liners perpetually fight the fatigue and risks that comes with the job with the sole purpose: service. Manapla Water District and its consumers owe a massive and heartfelt gratitude to these people, to which no amount of paycheck and words can suffice:

Firstly, the production team who is in charge of the pumping station and water source for continuous water supply.

The meter readers who are responsible for reading the water consumption of consumers.

The maintenance team who makes sure that water service connections are continuously operational and takes charge of the repairs especially in the mainline distribution, leakages and even works on weekends and night times.

The administrative section who is in charge of smooth financial operations, payroll and other operational expenses.


Indeed, front liners don’t always come dressed in white. They are usually the people you see on the street, wearing ordinary clothes, exerting extraordinary efforts to provide you with the best water service there is. Our fight against this deadly virus is nowhere near done. But so as the burning passion and dedication of our very own front liners in the Manapla Water District as they continue their unwavering service to our valued consumers.